Senin, 09 Juli 2012

The different sound in Handphone that have been exposed in Bugs Application

At the present time a lot of HP Application abused one of them is the application which is used to tap on the mobile network is used to determine the condition of one's personality but whether it can interfere with the Privacy condition, one is named Proxy application that used to take tissue Short message Mobile on the system, but whether it may interfere with the personality of the person, application was intended to take the network Short message system, maybe we will feel we are disturbed by the presence of personalities such applications, to distinguish when we are exposed to these applications are as follows :
  • Check the sound at the time of the receiving state Handphond Mobile telephon whether the sound is like wearing a loudspeaker or not, if the voice on the loudspeaker to use mobile phones such as Mobile exposed Application means the sound bugs.
  • Look delivery time when sending Short message system, the delivery time is generally short message system for 3 seconds, if more than 3 seconds it means that mobile phones have been exposed to tap sms application.                                             
These are some characteristics of the mobile phone, which has been affected by the Application This application is used by mobile phones mobile speknya higher than the victim.

Maybe this is some of the symptoms if we are exposed to mobile phone applications, for more details can be asked via email, thanks

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

DNS CHANGER??? Isenk ataukah tersimpan kepentingan finansial??

     Dibeberapa media Cetak maupun elektronik Pada akhir-akhir ini terdapat beberapa Pembahasan mengenai DNS Changer sebagian orang berpendapat bahwa hal ini merugikan dan dapat merusak DNS karena dapat mengganti DNS lainnya ataukah ada kepentingan finansial dibalik DNS Changer itu sendiri apabila kita melihat dari sisi positifnya ini merupakan celah keamanan yang dapat kita teliti dan kemudian kita perbaiki jika kita berkecimpung dalam dunia IT terutama yang mendalami tentang masalah Jaringan. 

 Apapun Opini kita itu merupakan hak dari diri kita sendiri, akan tetapi jika kita beropini sebaiknya didukung oleh satu tindakan real sebagai jalan keluar jika DNS Changer sendiri kita pandang sebagai masalah ataupun hal baru yang harus kita ketahui.

Maaf ni gan ane baru posting lagi maklum 2 hari badan ngedrop abis, yang penting apapun pandangan kita, wajar-wajar saja jika kita berasumsi yang terpenting adalah bagaimana solusinya.